About Us

Our Mission

Today's Voice Africa (TVA) aims to be the definitive source of news and information across the vast continent of Africa. With a focus on delivering real-time, accurate news, TVA dedicates itself to covering every corner of the continent, using a network of skilled journalists and reporters. Our mission is to inform and empower our readers by providing in-depth analysis of political, business, sports, and entertainment events. Each story we publish undergoes a meticulous fact-checking process to ensure that we uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity. TVA believes in the power of information as a tool for change, fostering a better-informed African citizenry primed for the complexities of the modern global landscape.

What We Cover

Today's Voice Africa offers a comprehensive suite of news topics that cater to a diverse reader base. From breaking news stories that shape the political climate, to intricate business dealings that influence the African economy, and transformative cultural events that reshape societal norms—our coverage spans the entire spectrum. TVA also pays special attention to sports and entertainment, ensuring our audience stays updated with the latest events and happenings. We also delve into technology updates, health advisories, and environmental issues that are imperative to the development of Africa.

Meet the Team

Behind the scenes at TVA are journalists, editors, and correspondents who bring decades of combined experience to our newsroom. Our team is selected for their passion for journalism and their commitment to truth. From Nairobi to Cairo, Dakar to Johannesburg, our reporters are on the ground, witnessing events as they unfold, providing firsthand accounts that offer our readers a unique, immersive experience. We ensure our team’s continual professional development through ongoing training in the latest journalistic practices and technological advancements to keep our coverage cutting-edge.